Dog/Puppy of Year Award

Many of you may have noticed that we stopped soliciting Dog and Puppy points in the monthly newsletter beginning in September 2017.  At the same time, the club stopped collecting the points on the web site, taking down the pages to report the points and to show the rankings.

NEFHRC has decided not to award the Dog/Puppy of Year any longer. While we believe the dogs should be recognized for their hard work and achievements, we just weren’t getting responses with points submitted.

Instead, we’d love to feature your dog or puppy for his/her achievements in the Newsletter.  So, if you’d like, you can continue to submit your points to me at and I will include an “atta boy” or “atta girl” in the next issue of the newsletter!

Feel free to submit a photo of your dog with the points and perhaps a line or two about his/her bio!