Time to Go!

I just wanted to take a moment and say goodbye to everyone.  As many of you know, I am moving to Brevard, NC. Well, the time has come for me to go!

The moving van will be here this morning to pack up the furniture.  Mom and I will close on our new house on Wednesday, August 28th, and will move in (2 Retrievers and 1 “Pound Puppy” in tow) on the 29th.

I will continue to be associated with NEFHRC, working on the web site, and hope that I hear from you all about how great everyone is doing.  I’ve had the best time being associated with all of you and your four-legged friends!

Sherri, my friend, I will miss you terribly.  But, I know I will see you again – I expect my next puppy to be personally delivered to the mountains! LOL! In the meantime, just imagine the slurpy kisses Cody will greet you with (not to mention the lethal tail wag)!!

You can always contact me via e-mail at karen@karenvandonsel.com.

Always, For the Dogs!

Karen VanDonsel


PS – Please don’t forget to send me your Dog Points.  You can either e-mail me the information or use the Submit Your Dog Points form under Club Information on the top menu of the web pages.

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