NEFHRC President’s Message

Hi Every One,

Thank you to all that came out this week end to our Hunt Test and worked and ran dogs! Your help was “GREATLY” appreciated! This has been our “BIGGEST” test yet!! We could not put on these events without all your help and support! Thank you again!

I hope every one that ran dogs did well and had fun!

We will be having a post Hunt Test meeting after all of the reports and figures are done. I strongly urge every one to attend. We will be discussing this test and our future spring 2015 and fall 2015 tests.

I had a lot of good feed back on this test and lots of great compliments on how well it was run. Overall, I think everything ran pretty smoothly.

If anyone has good picture from this week end please send them so we can get them on the web site and the newsletter, as I was not able to take many. Thank you! Newsletter; web site

Thank you,
Sherri Osborne
President NEFHRC
Hunt Test Secretary