NorthEast Florida Hunt Retriever Club
For the Dogs!
The site migration has pretty much been accomplished and almost everything is up and running.
The Contact Us and On-Line Membership Application are still disabled at this point. I’ve got some of the bugs worked out, but not all of them.
I appreciate your patience in this move and do apologize for the inconvenience it may be causing you.
For anyone who wants to renew their membership or join as a new member, if you prefer to pay via PayPal (credit card), please contact me via e-mail at I can send a PayPal invoice to you directly via e-mail. You will still need to provide all the information asked for on the membership application.
I will post a “fillable” Adobe membership application – one that you can fill out on your computer without printing it out. You can download the application, fill it out, and e-mail it to me. I can then send you a PayPal invoice via e-mail for your to pay. Please note you will need to download the application in order to fill it out with your computer.
Otherwise, you will still need to download the application, fill it out and send it to John Spivey, Treasurer, along with your check.
Again, I apologize for the inconvenience and will try to get the forms working as quickly as possible.